Stand still and consider the wondrous works of God.
- Job 37:14

Thursday, March 12, 2009


These were taken right after all the snow melted -but I was desperate to use my camera outside. I tried macro-ing a bunch of things, but they didn't turn out well. So I thought I'd try to do one of my eye -but in order to avoid awkward shadows, I had to look into the sun. Ouch! I thought I'd have to discard all of them -I couldn't get one without tears. I didn't mean for the pictures to have such a sad theme, but they turned out pretty cool.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Found In Nature

The beauty of nature never ceases to amaze me. When I feel stuck on a project, I have only to look out the window to gain inspiration.

~Dancing Flowers~
A California chipmunk... for those of you who haven't had the fortune of meeting one of these critters, they're super friendly. I have a picture of my cousin petting one... Due to tourists, they've become accustomed to human contact. This little guy literally sat there for five minutes without moving, which resulted in this shot.

~Colors of Fall~

A mountain lake in northern California


A desert flower


Wild flower

Beach roses

A pretty cool icicle.



People can be fascinating objects of observation. The silent language of the body communicates emotion. The face, in particular, can be quite expressive. Later on I'm planning to post grouped shots that I took together at a specific time, but for now I'm just trying to put my collection of favorites up. These are some shots of people I've taken over the years.

This is my friend; the lighting was simply her holding a lamp next to her face... I think it came out pretty good.


Horses are my passion -whether I am riding or just enjoying their company. These are the various horses I've come across over the years.

Andalusian stallion in a show at the Equine Affaire